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How To Add An SPF And DKIM Record To Your Paid Gmail

Ian Izaguirre
Ian Izaguirre
Cover Image for How To Add An SPF And DKIM Record To Your Paid Gmail
Ian Izaguirre
Ian Izaguirre

Steps To Add SPF Record

Dont forget to “Configure SPF records to work with G Suite“. Without an SPF record, your domain may look suspicious for some recipient servers, which would prevent some or all emails from being received when you send them.

1) Login to your Host AMP
2) Click WHM
3) Search for “Edit DNS Zone” and select it
4) Select your domain
5) Scroll to the bottom of the settings and find “Add New Entries Below This Line”
6) Go the the first field and type the domain name following by a dot so “”
7) Leave the “IN” at 900
8) Select TXT from the dropdown
9) Put the SPF record that was listed in the Google Article in the quote field, so in this case “v=spf1 ~all”
10) Select “Remote Mail Exchanger”
11) Click Save

Steps To Add DKIM Record

A DKIM Record is like a digital signature that tells some company’s who have higher security on receiving emails that your email is not spam.

You first might have to login to your host cPanel and enable the ability to add a DKIM key for your domain. You would login to your domains cPanel > go to Email Authentication > Find DKIM and click “Enable” then follow the steps below.

1) Log into your Admin console
2) Go to Apps > G Suite > Gmail > and scroll down and click on “Authenticate email”
3) Click on “Generate new record” and choose your DKIM key length (normally 1024 would suffice or for higher security leave the length as 2048) and click on “Generate”
4) Copy the DKIM key (long string of text)
5) Log into your webhost service to manage your DNS in order to add a TXT record just like how you’ve added an SPF record … but instead of “900” put the number “14400”
6) The hostname should be: google._domainkey
7) And paste the DKIM key you’ve copied in the value field
8) Make sure to save your changes
9) Go back to your Admin console where the DKIM key is displayed and then click on “Start Authentication”

How To Check Records Are Working

1) Go to Google Toolbox

2) To check DKIM Record click “TXT” and type your domain name like this as one string (replacing my domain name with yours):

3) To check other records like “SPF”, just type your domain name normally, like this: