THIS IS AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!


How To Remove Website Field From Comments Form In X-Theme

Ian Izaguirre
Ian Izaguirre
Cover Image for How To Remove Website Field From Comments Form In X-Theme
Ian Izaguirre
Ian Izaguirre

I will use the Ethos stack for this example.


1) Copy the wp-comments.php from x\framework\views\ethos to the same folder in your child theme: x-child\framework\views\ethos.

2) Open the copied file in a code editor, delete the following block of code and then save the file and your done.

* Code to locate and delete:

      'url'    =>
        '<p class="comment-form-url">' .
          '<label for="url">' . __( 'Website', '__x__' ) . '</label>' .
          '<input id="url" name="url" type="text" value="' . esc_attr( $commenter&#91;'comment_author_url'&#93; ) . '" placeholder="' . __( 'Your Website', '__x__' ) . '" size="30" />' .